2021 艾菲奖效果转化奖
Signal,拥有60年历史的法国NO.1牙齿美白品牌,于今年Q2进入中国市场。为消费者留下怎样的印象是G project作为全年social合作伙伴,首当其冲需要面对的问题与挑战。
牙齿的洁白是高度一致的审美标准,基于此共识,结合时下颜值经济的崛起,中国女性对于美无死角的追求这一痛点,在产品可以扮演一个符合消费习惯与快速、高效解决牙齿美白痛点的基础之下,G project认为,赋予他们一次全方位的体验至关重要。它将是多元的,涵盖生活方式、生活品质以及可以满足内心向往的全方位体验。
SIGNAL, the 60-year-old French clinical caring brand. This year, G Project is going to help it to sweep through domestic market and impress our consumers.
The pursuit of whiteness is endless, based on this consensus and the rise of the current beauty trend, G-Project is going to build a brand new image for SIGNAL, offering our consumers a holistic and multi-dimensional experience, covering the way of life, quality of life and satisfy their inner yearning.
So we has amplified its French DNA, the French professionalism and elegancy, such as fashion, art and culture, combining those elements with Chinese women's yearning for beauty.
Signal x 金晨《以白之名》