

带着这样的思考,G Project与乐事一起积极探索效果营销新模式,在2021年8月至12月期间,通过持续不断的精准营销,助力乐事香芋片渗透率稳步提升,成为全网风靡的清爽小零食爆品。

通过平台种草,乐事香芋片实现了笔记增量331%、互动增量530%、站内搜索量提高300倍,峰值位居本年度行业Top1的卓越成绩,也帮助乐事品牌在营销期间搜索量增长59倍、一度位居全行业Top 1、创下零食品类的互动量新高。


“效果为王”的当下,数据是营销的基石。G Project筛选整理乐事香芋片各平台自来水内容,对乐事香芋片用户的行为习惯、情感偏好、以及消费场景进行分析,锁定了“注重健康但喜欢吃零食”人群为核心客群,围绕乐事香芋片“香芋原切、含有膳食纤维、清爽不腻”的三大特点,确定了极具识别性的“清爽小零食”标签。G Project锁定小红书为本次营销投放的主阵地,制定了【明星带动+KOL响应+流量采买+派样助力+KOC沉淀】的一体化营销策略,结合平台的信息传播规律与个性化算法规则,实时跟踪并持续优化。






明确产品特色、锁定精准客群、结合平台风格产出内容、合理配置平台营销资源、以数据反馈效果不断优化,G Project通过节奏清晰的一体化策略与高执行力,帮助乐事香芋片产品在全网成功打造了“清爽小零食”风潮,实现口碑与销量的双赢。

Lay’s launched this niche category about a year. How to obtain traffic in a vast and fragmented internet world, accurately target customer groups, and achieve effective consumer growth? With these questions, G Project and Lay’s actively explore impact marketing and continue precision marketing, helping Lay’s taro-flavored chips to steadily increase the market penetration and popularity as a refreshing snack.

Create a social campaign to grow the brand’s popularity. The newly launched chips gained a 331% increase in notes, a 530% increase in interaction, a 300-fold increase in site search, and once on the top of the industry this year. It also helped Lay’s brand to increase the search volume by 59 times during the campaign, once ranked the Top 1 in the industry, and set a new high of consumer engagement in the snack category.

G Project analyzes the behaviors, preferences, and buying scenarios of users and targets the health-conscious customers who like snacks as the core customer group. Rich in fiber and fresh are the highlights of the taro-flavored chips, promoted and recognized as a refreshing snack. G Project creates an all-in-one strategy on Little Red to utilize the power of celebrity ambassadors, internet influencers, group buy, sample gifts, and KOC.

The campaign starts with celebrities sharing their life: attract fans with funny videos of Yang Zi and the life blog of Yang Chaoyue on Weibo, and create emotional resonance through health tips from Li Ruotong, Jin Chen, and Wu Xin on Little Red. Health snack embodies the healthy and refreshing food choice of celebrities and influencers. Snacks after fitness, at fasting, for refreshing, celebrity choices; different perspectives are used to consolidate the concept of refreshing snacks and healthy hedonists. Combine with the dissemination, information flow, SEM, and other tools to help continuously expose high-quality notes, cooperate with the official platform, start new product tasting activities, and use the famous “surprise box” in the snack category first.

G Project crafted an integrated strategy and made solid progress, which helped create a trend of refreshing snacks and win reputation and sales.