

作为国民美妆领军品牌,百雀羚在本次618面临着老客户维稳与年轻用户破圈拉新的双重考验。针对这样的挑战,G Project 从当下社会趋势与消费者期待切入,通过“前方高能”的组合式营销,针对性沟通天猫与京东两大平台的消费者,赢得流量与销量的双赢。





G Project 用一个年轻人所熟知的词语——「前方高能」来与她们沟通,通过高能跨界、高能短片、高能爆品、高能宠粉、高能福利等一系列的高能物料与玩法,为她们打造了一场不一样的年中高能狂欢盛典。

强强联合跨界KEEP ,「高能变美」引爆全网


G Project促成百雀羚与在线运动平台领军品牌KEEP的强强联合。双方聚焦当下年轻人熬夜或者加班比较多、生活压力大、作息不规律等导致的细纹与初老痛点,以百雀羚抗初老爆品淡纹帧颜系列“外淡纹内修护”特性为灵感,打造高能变美驻颜课,为想要“高能美”消费者带去精准有效的体验。



除了用年轻人喜爱的跨界形式,G Project与百雀羚更是针对当下年轻人“日熬夜熬超多爆纹、晒黑晒伤防不胜防、泛红过敏肌肤敏感”的主要护肤痛点,结合年轻人热衷的魔性风格创作了三只极度洗脑的高能短片,原初因、闪光侠、安肤君三大搞怪形象加上“前方高能”的持续字幕洗脑,百雀羚“科技新草本”的强大产品功效与百雀羚618高能福利被年轻人所熟知。

除了三只高能短片之外,G Project更是把「前方高能」打造成一个专属百雀羚618的视觉符号,通过硬广投放、KOL种草植入等多渠道进行扩散,#我的前方必须高能#话题在微博获得了近6000w的阅读与1.8万次讨论,在全网引发了年轻消费者的深度参与。而在天猫站内,百雀羚则通过真诚直接的高能优惠、代言人王一博的高能宠粉周边与天猫全明星的高能IP,有效承接站外流量,实现热度、销量双赢。

G Project 曾与百雀羚在“故宫跨界百雀羚”、“2020年百雀羚疫情驰援武汉”、“百雀羚IFSCC大奖”等有多次合作并屡获大奖,受到广泛好评。

POST-90s become mainstream consumers in recent years. They are independent and young and have unique purchase and skincare preferences. Away from impulsive buying, they are more rational and value a healthy lifestyle, body, skin, and appearance. G Project uses the catchy phrase “High Energy Ahead” to set the tonality of the 618 Shopping Carnival and communicate with consumers through a series of high-energy interactions, such as crossover collaboration, video clips, star products, fan activities, and gift packs. 

PECHOIN x KEEP is a powerful alliance of beauty and sports for young generations. Young people are more likely to work overtime and stay up late. Life pressure, irregular schedule, and other modern life problems lead to fine lines and early aging. 14-day high-energy beauty challenge, a combination of KEEP fitness and PECHOIN anti-aging skincare, attracts many users to participate and spontaneously share on social media. The collaboration gift box is one of the best-selling cosmetics.

Fine lines, sunburns, redness and sensitive skin are the pains for young generations. We have created three highly brainwash video clips and funny characters. PECHOIN Herbs 2.0 are all over the internet and known by young people.

High Energy Ahead is an exclusive visual element during the 618 shopping carnival. Hard sell, placement ads, influencers, and other channels are used for marketing. #My Future Energy Ahead received nearly 60 million reads and 18,000 discussions and triggered the active participation of young netizens. Traffics are attracted to the Tmall store, where heavy discounts and gifts about Wang Yibo win sales and popularity.