

如何让消费者感知到“乐事薯片工坊”的全新形象?G Project选择用一支精致奇趣的薯片脑洞小片,打破薯片的传统印象。


该视频各平台累积播放超500万次!配合这支全新品牌短片,G Project还通过小红书、抖音等平台种草,使用高端人设的KOL,结合精致有氛围感的场景,持续沟通薯片工坊真材实料高颜值的形象,诞生多篇爆文,助力产品系列在双11期间的电商搜索指数冲上新高峰。

In 2021, Lay’s launched the new STAX® Original Potato Crisps. Add ingredient particles to the crunchy potato crisps to improve the taste. Also, an overall upgrade strategy was initiated, including raw materials, flavors, and packaging. G Project made an exciting and creative short video to clear the conventional impression of potato crisps, developing a brand-new image of the Potato Crisps Workshop.

Ms. Yang Zi, the brand ambassador of Lay’s, savors a fancy meal of Michelin style. Dishes are made of seven flavors of potato crisps and their ingredients, an intuitive display of the raw materials. Everyone is craving the meal. But you never guess the end. At the end of the video, it reminds the office lady that it's Lay's time. Everything turns out to be a daydream. 

This video clip has been played over 5 million times on different platforms. In addition, lifestyle KOLs are invited to a social campaign on Little Red and TikTok. Fancy meals, fashionable lifestyles, exquisite and atmospheric scenes. Together, they deliver the natural quality and high-end aspect of Lay’s. Many of these posts went viral. During the double 11 shopping holiday, Lay’s hit the top of the e-commerce search index.